I thought I better post while I still can — the forecast for our nation’s capital ain’t pretty. I’ve been fairly silent lately because due to various and sundry commitments and deadlines, I’ve had very little time to knit. However, I had been meaning to knit Sweet Dreams, the same shawl Susan posted about recently, and her project inspired me to finally cast on.
I used some Tess Designer Cascade Silk Sport in a lovely silver gray that I bought at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival in May. I bought the yarn for Nora’s wedding shrug, but decided it was a little heavier than I wanted for that project. I repurposed it for this shawl, and used the same beads I used on her shrug (I bought those beads for this yarn in the first place).
As Susan said, this is a lovely pattern to knit. It’s very easy and very adaptable in terms of size. Mine is larger than Susan’s: I cast on stitches in between the medium and large size given in the pattern, and I knit two repeats of the main lace chart instead of one. I still had quite a bit of my original 150 gram skein leftover. This is a long and thin shawlette that I think I will be able to wear almost as a scarf. Or maybe I can lash myself to a telephone pole when the winds are howling on Monday and Tuesday.