theraineysisters knitting and so much more

July 27, 2019

From Susan — You Winston, You Lose Some

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 8:49 pm

Okay.  That is really, really bad!!  🙂  I have been working on my Winston Cardigan for weeks now and am just ready to bind off the neck/body band.  Hundreds and hundreds of sts with short rows to boot!!  Egads!

I am using Carol Sunday’s yarn yet again because it is the perfect choice for acres of stockinette knitting.  It is soft and in the case of Angelic, has a very nice halo.  My colors are lighter, as if you reduced the saturation in the pictures above.

I hope this fits and looks cute — it has been a long, slow knit!!

July 2, 2019

From Susan — “Traditional” Pocket

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 9:10 am

Hey, more about Ouzo!  Pam asked me about the pockets.  I said that the original pattern called for patch pockets.  These are knit separately and then sewn down to the RS of the sweater.  We did this for most of the pockets on The Rainey Sisters Pickpocket Sweater Pattern.  That was because the gauge was very different for many of the sts and more than one color was usually used.

Typically, a pocket is knit with a lining as shown below.  You knit a pocket lining by casting on the number of sts needed for the width of the pocket and knitting the full length of the pocket.  This lining piece is set aside.  It is a great gauge swatch!  You knit the sweater as directed to the TOP of the pocket – shown with the bold line.  You then work across the row to the position of the pocket, bind off the pocket sts and complete the row.  On the NEXT row, you substitute the lining sts for the ones that were bound off.  Then you just keep knitting.  Later, invisibly tack down the lining to the inside of the sweater.

PS to Kathy W.: You missed me wearing my Ouzo last week at Panera.  This week is the holiday and next week I am off to knitting camp!!

PS2 to Pam, who wrote, “So the difference is when you knit, and what is on “top” — a patch pocket, the “extra” piece is on the outside of the sweater. A “regular” pocket the “extra” piece is inside (and the is knit first so you can carry on with the lining stitches. I get it. Thank you!”  That is it in a nutshell.  The pocket lining could be knit when it is needed as well and then attached, but it does need to be there when it is needed!  For Pocket #1 of my Ouzo, I did knit the lining separately, but I picked up the lining at the top of the ribbing for Pocket #2.  I wasn’t sure exactly where the pocket would fall when I knit the first one, but I knew exactly where the sts would be needed on Pocket #2.  So, there are different ways to get it done, but the idea is the same!!

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