I finished the collar and even remembered to take a slightly out-of-focus picture of it before picking up the stitches for the body. Please don’t judge the poor little collar too harshly — this is “raw” unblocked knitting.
The pin you see in the middle marks where my provisional cast on was. I think it will look better once it’s blocked and fussed with, but I don’t think the transition looks too bad. I know I will prefer how it looks half-a-stitch off than how it would look with a seam.
In an effort to catch up with my sister, I’ve done a fair amount of knitting today. I’ve picked up all of the stitches for the body and will finish the short row section tonight (before my obligatory row of the grey behemoth).
From Susan: Should I get pissy that Surly’s looks better or just keep knitting away? I guess I’ll have to keep knitting, as it is the one thing that keeps me sane…
I am working diligently on my two projects. I take Eris with me so I can work on mindless stockinette — I have about four inches past the underarm. This is one of those projects that will be a bit of a crapshoot — it LOOKS like it will fit:
The beauty of top down knitting!
I have also been knitting on Oregon. I work on it at home and now have about 9″ done on the second sleeve — woo hoo!! I would post a picture of it, but an old one will do:
We’ll pretend! I’m not quite this far yet, but you get the idea ;) I actually am really enjoying the sleeve and I NEVER enjoy doing sleeves!!
I am (of course) daydreaming about the next BIG THING, which will be the Large Collar Bohus. That is what keeps me plugging — thinking about the NEXT one!