The holiday bug has hit, but only on tiny knitting, and nothing to be gifted! I stumbled on this next little design on Faceb00k and bought the pattern on Etsy. I prefer to buy on Ravelry so the pattern is in my library. The pattern is on Ravelry, but I did not know it’s full name until I bought it: Ice Crystal Snowflake Ornament.
ETA: I heard from the designer that she ONLY sells her patterns on Ravelry and that someone was fraudulently selling a stolen copy on Etsy. Please use the above Ravelry link if you are interested in making this snowflake!

I used Classic Elite Fresco in Parchment from stash. This is a fussy knit. It didn’t help that KNITTERS CAN’T COUNT!! You do a Judy’s Magic Cast on. Six sections of 26 sts each. You add markers after every 26 sts, which I counted. BUT, I had SEVEN POINTS in my snowflake! Argh!! I didn’t realize it until I was trying to put the sts on dpns: 2 points per needle…so why do I have an extra section??!!?? I was so mad at myself, as this is a physically challenging item to knit.
I did stuff it lightly and I also put in three bamboo skewers from point to point to make it stiffer. ETA: You must read Gretchen’s comment!!
My other mini-project is a Candy Cane. I had seen a pattern that had the stripes going across the cane, not wrapped around. I thought, that’s just wrong! So, I experimented and came up with this:

The trick is to cast on 5 sts, but knit 3 white then 3 red. It creates the spiral effect. I wrote it all out on the project page. My knitting looks horrible, but does it really matter? I think not! 😉