theraineysisters knitting and so much more

January 18, 2025

From Susan — A Little Dickie Goes a Long Way

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 2:46 pm

I saw this little project on Instagram and really liked it: Lacy Braid Cowl.  I am not a fan of dickies typically, but this seemed more cowl, less dickie!  The pattern is only available on the One_Row website, but I was able to link my project to Ravelry (a link to the pattern is provided on her Ravelry pattern page).

The yarn was a bit of a surprise (Jody Long Rovesoft, color Stone).  The label on the front said wool-alpaca blend but turn the label over and it was 45% acrylic!  For what I paid, it seemed way over priced.  Head to Webs to see if it is still half off.  It’s done, so nothing I can do about it now!!  I hope it is wearable!

PS to Pru:  It is very soft.  The only thing is the front wants to flip up a bit.

1 Comment »

  1. Well it’s very pretty. Always frustrating to find the fiber content you were promised was not as advertised. The same thing happened to me recently with a not inexpensive cardigan I bought from Nordstrom, a largely acrylic piece stacked on the cashmere table, but fortunately I noticed before I clipped off the tags and was able to return it. Wear your dickey with pride – unless it scratches.

    Comment by Pru — January 29, 2025 @ 9:54 pm

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