theraineysisters knitting and so much more

December 2, 2006

From Susan — On the Road to Anya

Filed under: Anya,Current Projects,Updates — lv2knit @ 9:22 am

I am so excited because I am actually making some progress on something.  It seems like it’s been a long time since I could make that claim.  My first sleeve is done up to the raglan shaping.  I have several inches on the second.  The problem with “pulling the trigger” on the raglan shaping is that it will determine the length of the sleeves.  I have measured and thought and calculated, etc.  I always worry about this anyway, and sleeve length is harder to figure out with a raglan.  This is because it is difficult to tell how much drop there is to the armhole. 

I have measured the length provided by the top of the raglan (it is the same as the front and back) and measured from where I think the neckline will start down to my wrist. 

Total length – raglan portion = remaining sleeve, n’est-ce pas?

30″ – 10″ = 20″   Not the toughest math problem (Look, Ma, no calculator!!).  If the sleeve gods are appeased it should work out.  There is the added ruffle portion of the sleeves, but I am going to let that fall coquettishly over my delicate hands.

Thanks to all of you who commented on the “purl problem.”  I would be interested in hearing from “lefties” (Continental — pickers) knitters and “righties” (English-style knitters — throwers) to see if the problem is more prevalent with either style of knitting.  My observation of knitters over the years has given me an opinion, but I’d like to see if it bears out.

Some of you suggested using two different needles — a smaller size for the purl row.  I did try this years ago, but since only the first few sts of my purl row were affected, it over compensated.  I’m with Lorraine (and puh-lease check out her sock monkeys!!), I would probably go over the edge if I had to keep different needle sizes straight, though Sally did suggest KnitPicks needle sets as an option.

You may have noticed that I did not mention going to my Thursday night knit group.  :(  My sadness is overwhelming.  I stayed too late at work.  My new resolution (and I am not waiting for the New Year) is to leave work on time and get to my knitting group.  I need my peeps!!  I added it as a permanent appointment on my Outlook calendar.  I’m going to treat it as a medical need. 😉



  1. Ya know Susan, you have something there. My weight watcher leader (imagine I am such a regular that I have my own leader?!… stresses that we absolutely MUST schedule exercise on our calendar as if it were a doctor’s appt. and give it the same importance to stay healthy it simply cannot be skipped. (yeah, right.. as if).. from the attitude you can see why I’m a regular. Anyway, I think a MUCH better and MORE productive idea is to schedule knitting time on our calendar and give it the importance as if it were a dr.’s appt. that cannot be skipped. What do you think?

    Comment by Michelle — December 2, 2006 @ 9:49 am

  2. No comment on the “purl problem” as I’m one of those whose eyes “glazed over” 😉

    Ooo, yes, that’s exciting! Can’t wait to see more of the beautiful Anya.

    Comment by Marina — December 2, 2006 @ 1:50 pm

  3. To Marina — that’s because you spend so much of your time knitting in the round 😉

    Comment by surly — December 2, 2006 @ 4:18 pm

  4. Regarding the purling – I’m more a “German” style knitter – yarn held in left hand. I can never remember which style
    that is. I must tighten naturally because my purl and knit rows appear the same. It could also be because I usually
    use a selvage stitch on each side (slip first stitch of row, knit last stitch of row). So that could give you a third option, right?


    Comment by Gail — December 5, 2006 @ 2:45 pm

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