theraineysisters knitting and so much more

January 1, 2007

From Susan — Happy Knit Year 2007

Filed under: Back Story — lv2knit @ 11:08 am

Wow!  Be careful what you wish for!  As soon as I hit “post” yesterday, it started snowing.  We ended up with several inches and a mini-blizzard!  Note all the tracks in the yard — our Yellow Lab, Molly, LOVES bounding through the snow.  Our poor street will go unplowed for a while.  We are a one-block dead end and they seem to forget we are here!


I spent New Year’s Eve with my girls, watching movies and knitting a bit.  Not bad!  Not much like the New Year’s Eves of my spent youth, but that’s okay with me.  I’m too old to party like it’s 1999 ;). 

I am at the point on Oregon when I need to add the armhole steeks — woo hoo!  I never thought I would get there.  I’ll post a picture once I get a couple of inches. 

Thank you for all of the nice comments about the Winter Wonderland Shawl.  It will be in queue for next fall and ready for winter ’08!  


  1. Oh wow! What a difference a few hours made?!

    I live on such a street. Only difference is that it is a hill and so the neighbours get together to hire a contractor to plow. Not unusual to see our “clean” street while everywhere else is still snow covered!

    Comment by Marina — January 1, 2007 @ 11:30 am

  2. Still raining in Chicago. So far, we’ve had a brown winter unlike the states to the west of us. Let’s see how long it lasts :o)

    Your street looks lovely, right along with the Wonderland snowflakes!

    Comment by Karen B. — January 1, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

  3. Nothing says happy like a big dog in fresh snow. HNY, ladies!

    Comment by kmkat — January 1, 2007 @ 12:23 pm

  4. Happy New Year to all! Would you do me a favor? Wish for cool in Florida? Post your wish, hit post, things change! You just must be living right;)

    Comment by Carol — January 1, 2007 @ 4:49 pm

  5. Isn’t it great? But it’s going to melt, isn’t it? Ah well. At least we had snow for a day or so.

    Comment by Amy — January 1, 2007 @ 7:39 pm

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