theraineysisters knitting and so much more

February 14, 2007

From Susan — Monkey Love on Valentine’s Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — lv2knit @ 1:08 am

A dear knitting friend sent me this card — two creatures in the throes of Monkey Love.


This picture is more than a little disturbing and probably illegal. 😉

I am extremely happy and relieved to announce the completion of Sleeve Numero Uno:


Are the rest of you as sick of this project as moi?  I’ll try to take a picture of the whole sweater in the next few days.  In the meantime, I am going to pick up the second sleeve and then pick up another project.  I will work on this at home in the evenings, but I need a break. 

Sally and I are going to start a mini-knitalong in the next few days.  I want a portable project (no, I don’t mean socks).  For me a portable project is MINDLESS knitting that does not require me to pay attention or do heavy lifting in the brain department.  Socks are knit on such tiny needles that I really need to focus to see what I am doing — remember, I have old eyes.  I want to be able to knit while I visit with friends over lunch or at my knitting group and therefore socks do not fit my definition of MINDLESS, portable knitting.  Portable, yes…

Anyway, have a great Valentine’s Day!!  Any special plans??


  1. I am planning on piling my entire stash in a big ole heap on the family room floor, sorting and ziplocking………….
    a daunting task…photos will be posted sometime tomorrow.
    How sad, Do I need to get a life?!
    Your monkeys are destined for Hollywood!

    Comment by Michelle — February 14, 2007 @ 3:40 pm

  2. Cool card, and yes, for the dirty minded of us-spicy! The sweater is fabulous! I love everything about this one! I agree with you on the portable knitting. No thought required is the best! I’m curious to see what the KAL will be…

    Comment by Carol — February 15, 2007 @ 8:02 am

  3. Not me! Love that colourway!

    Ah, mindless knitting! I’m nearly Fair Isled out and can’t wait to begin a mindless project!

    Comment by Marina — February 15, 2007 @ 8:31 am

  4. That sweater is so gorgeous!

    Comment by Connie — February 15, 2007 @ 9:35 am

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