Tonight was the Minnesota Knitters Guild meeting where knitters share their state fair entries, the judges’ comments and background tidbits. I had a great time tonight and enjoyed myself completely. I met some of our readers, too, which was really nice!!
My favorite story involved a “helpful spouse.” The knitter in question could not get to the fair to drop off her entries due to her crazy schedule. DH stepped up to the plate and volunteered to do it for her. Upon his return, I imagine the exchange went something like this:
Hubby: “Hi, Honey. I dropped off all four of your items at the fairgrounds.”
Knitter: “Uh…four? I only had three things to enter this year!”
Hubby took an unfinished afghany thing in — ends not woven in, fringe only partly done, and not something she would have entered anyway! They actually wrote some nice things about it… too funny.
We saw some beautiful things, and of course added way too many things to our “must knit” lists. Afterward we got to fondle and drool over the wondrous knitting.
My kind of evening!
I had a great time too.
Comment by Cathy L — September 21, 2011 @ 12:45 am
Her hubby and my hubby must be twins — or is it just a “man” thing?
Comment by chloe — September 21, 2011 @ 12:04 pm
Totally forgot about it and that’s my favorite meeting of the year. Phooey.
Comment by Bonnie — September 21, 2011 @ 4:10 pm