theraineysisters knitting and so much more

July 1, 2007

From Susan — Just Call Me Gilligan

Filed under: Back Story — lv2knit @ 11:02 am

I feel almost sorry for the rest of you and a bit hesitant to share yesterday’s knitting adventure. Be forewarned, Maties: this post will make you green with boat-knitting envy ;)!

Here are the anxious knitters, waiting impatiently for the Betsy Northrup to dock at the Lilydale Yacht Club. Usually the Betsy sets sail from Harriet Island in St. Paul on its Mississippi excursions.


Here comes Betsy!!


The Betsy is not a real paddleboat as many of the excursion boats are, but really a decked out barge. Ugh the Tug, a lil tugboat, pushes the Betsy along (they don’t “tug” they push from behind):


The weather was picture perfect: 80’s, sunny, light breeze. You could not ask for a better day. We boarded Betsy and were greeted by the friendly new owners and staff of 3 Kittens Needle Arts. Here we are perusing our gift bags and getting registered.


And a picture NOT of the back of Mary’s head!


After a rousing welcome, Cis (far left) from 3 Kittens introduced Berta Karapetyan (2nd from right below) and we had a fashion show of most of the garments from Runway Knits:


The above picture was taken after the show — I couldn’t drool and take pictures at the same time! After that, we bought books and yarn, and hung around enjoying the Kruise.


We got to go through Lock 1 of the mighty Miss. Here we are entering the Lock, which has about a 40 foot drop:


Now we’re leaving:


Looking back:


And looking forward:


This is my beautiful city! The heart of Minneapolis and St. Paul is this river. We live on the river and my husband works on the river, so we are true river rats.

Many of us enjoyed the balmy open air of the upper deck, where you could choose to be in the shade or catch a few rays:


Or you could sit in air conditioned comfort to knit and visit — or shop for jewelry or pottery from several vendors on board.


The Kruise ended at 5 pm, an hour longer than planned, but we did not complain!! Except for one person perhaps who was expecting dinner guests!! When asked if we would like this to be an annual event, there was a roar of approval. Sign me up now!!

It was a perfect day. 100% fun was had by all!!


  1. Well, I thought I had a good day yesterday because I sent my two kids off for two weeks at Camp Grandma, but I have to say that your day beats mine! Glad it was so much fun.

    Comment by Jocelyn — July 1, 2007 @ 11:04 am

  2. Sounds like everybody had a great time! Nothing like that ever happens here 🙁

    Comment by Marina — July 1, 2007 @ 11:15 am

  3. What a gorgeous yarny experience! Color me green with envy. I want to go next year; must get on 3 Kittens mailing list. I’ve been to that store several times when I was making my mitered square afghan; they were (are?) the only shop in the Twin Cities that carried Colinette. Their shop was such a treasure chest!

    Lock #1 is the one by the Ford bridge, right? We used to go there just to watch the boats go through, both when the kids were little and even before we had kids. (free entertainment!)

    I had to laugh at your first photo. It reminded me of how horses and cows always crowd into any available shade when they are in the pasture. Not that knitters are ruminants 🙂

    Comment by kmkat — July 1, 2007 @ 12:35 pm

  4. …or ungulates 🙂

    Comment by kmkat — July 1, 2007 @ 12:38 pm

  5. Moo!

    Comment by lv2knit — July 1, 2007 @ 1:21 pm

  6. OMGosh. Bliss. Pure bliss. ::sigh:: I am *green* with envy! 🙂

    I *love* that cardi with the giant buttons. Hmmmmm. Must. Get. Book.

    Comment by Romi — July 1, 2007 @ 2:11 pm

  7. From Susan — The set of three buttons for the cardi is $40 — is that a lot or am I living in the past?

    Comment by lv2knit — July 1, 2007 @ 2:27 pm

  8. Susan- Thanks alot- you know what song I can’t get out of my head?

    …just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,
    a tale of a fateful trip,
    that started from this tropic port,
    aboard this tiny ship……………………………..

    Besides, you’re more the Ginger type.

    Comment by Lorraine — July 1, 2007 @ 6:53 pm

  9. From Susan to Lorraine — I think it’s obvious that I’m Mary Anne!!

    Comment by lv2knit — July 1, 2007 @ 8:02 pm

  10. Oh, drool is right! That looks like so much fun. No love for Mrs. Howell? lol.

    Comment by Carrie K — July 1, 2007 @ 8:40 pm

  11. It sounds fabulous! I’ll have to sign up next year.

    Comment by Renee — July 1, 2007 @ 8:41 pm

  12. 40 freakin’ bucks?!?!?!? Yowza. I think I’d make my own. (heh – I hate it when people say that about my pins!) :g:

    btw, check out my blog, Missy!

    Comment by Romi — July 1, 2007 @ 9:17 pm

  13. Ooo, I’d give anything to be sitting beside that river right now. The boat looks like the type we only see in films here. We don’t seem to be getting a summer here this year, only rain, seeing your beautiful pictures makes me want to buy a plane ticket; just think I could be there by tonight! (maybe)

    Comment by Mindie — July 2, 2007 @ 7:16 am

  14. Looks like wonderful fun! BTW, did you know you can sing the words to Gilligan’s Island to the tune of Amazing Grace, and vice versa? Astonish your friends!

    Comment by AuntieAnn — July 2, 2007 @ 2:41 pm

  15. I was on the kruise too! What a great day! Your pictures turned out great, what a fantastic way to spend a sunny afternoon! -Pam

    Comment by Pam Gillette — July 2, 2007 @ 3:25 pm

  16. Who were the pottery and jewelry vendors? And, who can hook me up to sell on this trip next year???

    Comment by marti — July 2, 2007 @ 9:01 pm

  17. Dear Susan,

    This question has nothing to do with your previous post, but I was wondering…could you share the name of the pattern of the pullover (in pink) on your maniquin when you photographed your most recent felted bag, I have been looking for it all over the web and can’t find anything close. Thanks in advance for your help. the cruise looks amazing.


    Comment by Heidi Kozar — July 2, 2007 @ 9:34 pm

  18. your day sounded perfect! Thanks for sharing. I

    Comment by katomliz — July 3, 2007 @ 10:08 pm

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