theraineysisters knitting and so much more

October 21, 2015

From Susan – To “Air” is Human

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 9:04 am

Who could resist Rowan’s Kidsilk Haze and firepolish beads or Swarovski crystals?  Not I!!  I am too cheap for the crystals (I used firepolish 6mm beads instead, 50 for the pink and 100 for the green), used KSH from my stash, and a free pattern from Rowan.  Cheap thrills!!

The pattern is called Triangular Shawl by Jennie Atkinson.  It is sometimes referred to as a scarf, but it is the same pattern.  It says it takes one skein, but I had to dip into the second for the pink (the green is smaller for some reason and came in just under a skein).  Jennie reworked the design into a larger triangular shawl as well, that takes three times the yarn and crystals.

You need to create an account and log into the Rowan website to access the pattern.  I did my first (the raspberry color) following the pattern, but made some changes to the second (green) version.  MAKE SURE YOU BIND OFF LOOSELY.  I did not bind off loosely enough on the green and it is a problem.  If the bind off breaks, I have enough yarn to redo the edging… but it would be a bummer. 🙁

Also, I did not thread the beads onto the yarn until the row they were going to be used.  I did it as instructed the first time and it meant several rows of pushing the beads along for no real reason.  I wrote up my changes on my project page.

So I have two lighter than air shawls that are quite dressy.  I love them, and hope to just throw them on as an accent — probably more next spring and summer.

I am really getting excited because Sally arrives tomorrow.  We will be heading to this retreat, sponsored by The Yarnery (my favorite knitting store):

We each need to be working on something designed by the featured artists.  We will reveal our selections after the retreat!!

Response to Allison: I tried to email you but it bounced back!  I also had a horrible time following the pattern until I charted it and could see what was supposed to line up with the row before.  I put a copy of my chart on my Ravelry project page.


  1. Thanks for the pattern recommendation! I do have some KSH rolling around, and think I even have beads!

    And, have fun at the retreat. I thought seriously, but the kid in college, the need for a new roof….you know the drill. I look forward to a report, and enjoy the company of each other and everyone else!

    Comment by Susan — October 21, 2015 @ 12:12 pm

  2. I made your holey scarf with all those button holes and the recommended yarn and refuse to give it is wonderful and really knit group was astounded…thanks, Marylou Kavaler

    Comment by marylou kavalet — October 24, 2015 @ 12:18 pm

  3. I have now spent 2 hours watching programs about knitting, and am the proud owner of a new book written in Swedish (also English:) I need to stop reading your blog, I seem to catch a bad case of me tooo, me tooo whenever you do something new. Bohus knitting has always been one of my absolute favorites. I have a kit, but have not have the nerve to start it.

    Comment by Linda — October 24, 2015 @ 1:32 pm

  4. How was the weekend???

    Comment by Susan — October 27, 2015 @ 10:21 pm

  5. I can’t wait till you blog about your retreat. Those designers are amazing! Love the fringe on those shawls.

    Comment by Chloe — October 29, 2015 @ 8:48 am

  6. Your work is beautiful! I’ve been trying to make this but am having a lot of trouble working with this yarn. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. Did you use stitch markers? I keep having to start over. I really have trouble staying focused with the pattern. If I get distracted for a second, I forget where I left off. Frustrated but dying to make one.

    Comment by Alison — December 2, 2015 @ 8:01 pm

  7. Having a hard time with the Rowan crystal kidsilk shawl. When i get to row 4 and count my stitches, I do not end up with 231, more like 193. What am I doing wrong?

    Comment by Rose — December 5, 2015 @ 1:22 pm

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