theraineysisters knitting and so much more

March 18, 2020

From Susan — What can you say?

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 11:52 am

The world has been turned upside down in a matter of days.  The black cloud of uncertainty hovers over us.  How long will it last?  What will the final toll be in terms of lives, jobs, dollars?  It is very distressing.  Knitters hunker down and knit more.  It’s what we do.  Is it the best choice?  I don’t know, but if I am sitting home with nothing to do, I knit.

I recently finished (before the apocalypse) a cool design by Scott Rohr, knit designer and part owner of The Yarnery in St. Paul.  And a friend.  The cowl is called North Loop.  It is unusual and keeps your interest.  I used some of the nicest yarn I have ever knit with: Malabrigo Caprino in a fall array of three colors (fall? !!??).  It is called DK, but is really closer to sport.

Before blocking it looked like something that would emerge from the Black Lagoon!

It is soft and it is cool.  I cast on a new project today and have yarn arriving by mail.  I am sheltering in place, which for me just means not going to my knitting groups. 😐


  1. Oh! That is interesting! Love your colors and the way they undulate on the finished piece. Well done. I’m missing my knitting groups, too, so am keeping track of friends via text and phone calls. We shall prevail, but the uncertainty is disturbing. That calls for more knitting!

    Comment by BARBARA BETTEGNIES — March 18, 2020 @ 12:06 pm

  2. That yellow is like a ray of sunshine in this gloomy time. Beautiful design. Thank you so much.

    Comment by Chloe — March 19, 2020 @ 8:51 am

  3. This is beautiful! Knitting has always been a consolation, but now it’s also an act of hope – for the future when these things will get worn out of our homes! (Actually, we are leaving our home, alone, to go for walks, but. . . )

    Comment by Pam — March 19, 2020 @ 10:49 am

  4. Hi Susan: Have missed my knitting groups…..there were none in the desert… longer a kitting shop either. We left the beautiful California desert on Wednesday to return to MN. We felt compelled to be home and nearer our doctors and support network. We are healthy, but that could change in a heartbeat. I was looking forward to having knitting to go to again. Alas it was not to be (for right now).
    I am knitting my fourth Zick Zack scarf (mindless and fewer reasons to make mistakes.) Their beauty is the finished product. Then I want to order some yarn from the Yarnery and have it delivered! Until we meet again! Cathy Rootness

    Comment by Cathy Rootness — March 21, 2020 @ 1:47 pm

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