Many knitters start their journey knitting scarves. They’re a great choice for beginners: rectangular, provide a chance to practice, fit anyone, etc. I didn’t make a scarf until I had been knitting for 20 years! I wanted sweaters so I knit sweaters!
Since then, I have made many. Here is my latest: Floe, designed by Scott Rohr of The Yarnery for this year’s Shop Hop. They were selling kits and I jumped on the bandwagon. It was a great project to drag to social knitting because it was mindless. The little white flappers, called Floes, added to the fun.
The floes were knitted separately and then added along the way. They could only be on one side of the scarf so they wouldn’t hang upside down. But, I wanted more! So I picked up and then knit them down on the second half. That way, you can add them anywhere you want after the fact. I actually added one more floe after taking this picture. The yarn is scrumptious. I believe the kits and/or yarn remain available at The Yarnery.
Another brilliant adaptation! Lovely colors and yarn, and beautifully knitted as always.
Comment by Pru — June 8, 2023 @ 3:53 pm