theraineysisters knitting and so much more

May 28, 2007

From Susan — All Shall Be Revealed!

Filed under: Uncategorized — lv2knit @ 9:44 am

Finally I am at the point on the Mitered Tote where it all comes together. When I last left you, I was finishing up the “scarf” section. It wrapped up quickly (as garter stitch scarves tend to do ;)) and then it was on to the construction phase. I chronicled this phase in photos so you could see how nicely the bag comes together (and because it is too hard to describe in words alone).

First, pick up 240 sts around three sides of one of the large squares:


The “crinkled” edge is due to the fact that I am using Denise needles for some of the pick ups — I didn’t have enough Size 8 needles, and it takes a lot for this project.

Then pick up 240 sts along one edge of the “scarf”:


Join the pieces together using a 3-needle bind off (I used a Size 9 needle to do the bind off):


It gets a very nice-looking edge — similar to piping. Here’s the bottom, where the true miter is hiding:


Repeat for the other side and voila:


You’ve got one honkin’ big bag!!!!! Whoa! That’s a stash-keeper if I ever saw one.

The next step: the top edge. The pattern says to pick up and bind off, but I chose to do an i-cord bind off to give it a clean and bit heftier appearance:


Now it’s time to knit the strap. A fellow knitter who made this bag suggested that I make the strap wider to be more in scale with the bag’s girth — and I agree tote-ally. I have been playing around with different ways to make it wider and finally came up with a plan that I hope works — we’ll see in the next installment of the “Mitered Tote Turns” ;)! I’ll knit like Seabiscuit between loads of laundry today…

I hope to be able to felt this puppy this week. Woo Hoo!

May 26, 2007

From Susan — Hey, Lady, Nice Scarf!!

Filed under: Lace Style Cardigan,Peacock Shawl -- Susan's — lv2knit @ 9:08 pm

I am back in knitting form.  Still sickly, but not too sick to knit, thank goodness!  And thanks for all of your well wishes.  It really was nice to get some sympathy from across the miles (I got too little at home!).

On my infrequent travels, carrying around my portable project, I keep getting asked if I’m knitting a scarf – hmmmm, what gives?  Why would they think the bottom of a felted bag was a scarf? 


Yeah, I know.  It looks very weird and not like a felted bag at all!  It will all become clear soon, I hope (noting that crossed fingers make typing difficult).  I’m on the final stages of the knitting but there is a fair amount of finishing, not to mention the double I-cord strap.  So, this is not yet in the “Finis” category.

I also worked a little more on the Lace Style cardigan:


I think I’m to the underarm shaping, but you realize that means a commitment to length ;).  We all know how hard it is to do that, now don’t we??  I’m pretty sure I’ve got it close.

And could I forget My Precious?  Never!  I am now at 22% and on the 5th chart.  I now agree with Surly that my calculation method is fiendish.  It is much better to con yourself into believing you have a magic skein of yarn!! 


If you look at a picture of the shawl’s details, you can see where I am in the big scheme — I’m in the middle section of the feathers.

I just got back from Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.  There’s a lot to like and a lot to not like — it’s a LOT of movie.  But it was fun.  Now I guess I’ll have to go see the other “3’s” — Spidey and Shrek.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Weekend.  If you have someone special to remember this weekend, as Sally and I do, please share our warm thoughts for you and yours. 


May 21, 2007

From Susan — Churchill Downs

Filed under: Uncategorized — surly @ 7:32 am

Dear, dear, Lisa — it snowed in parts of Minnesota yesterday!  Forty degrees ain’t nuthin’!!

You know how horses like to turn it on at the end of the race?  Well, that’s how I feel about the Mitered Tote (and other projects right at the end).  You just want to knit like Seabiscuit to get to the finish line! Whinnnneeeee!!

Here are the two side panels for MT:


You can tell that this is lots and lots of garter stitch!  I am going to rework the pattern and make a smaller version in spring/summer colors.  I did not want to buy the yarn until I see how this Nature Spun felts.  I think it gets that boucle finish, which I want for this bag.

Here is the mitered bottom.  The two halves of the bottom are joined along the center.  I used a provisional cast on:


Here you can see the other side of the bottom where I already picked up the live provisional sts and started knitting.  This piece will change color and start to taper soon, forming a triangular shaped gusset at the top.


At the end, you pick up zillions of sts along the edges and join with a 3-needle bind off. 

And, they’re off!!!

PS — Response to Comments: I will definitely show the construction phase.  I had a terrible time figuring out how the bottom would even knit up.  It was such an odd shape and did not make sense to me at all.  I’ll share pics and diagrams. 🙂


May 19, 2007

From Susan — Soccer and Knitting: Pas de Deux

Filed under: Lace Style Cardigan,Peacock Shawl -- Susan's — lv2knit @ 10:47 pm

Youngest daughter is in a soccer tournament this weekend, which means endless hours of sitting, waiting, cheering, and Knitting!!  I always take along mindless knitting projects for these occasions — who can just sit??!!??

Anyway, Mitered Tote is the perfect soccer project, so it is going strong.  And I took along lil Lace Style Cardi today, as well:


I am liking this very much so far.  I love the yarn and love the color.  There is a small mistake in the pattern.  It says to do a long-tail cast on and then knit 4 rows.  If you do it that way, you will have 3 garter st ridges (you get one ridge from the cast on itself).  Three ridges at this gauge is a whopping 1 inch!  Too much.  In the pictures of the finished cardigan, there are clearly only 2 ridges = 2 rows of knitting before starting the pattern rows.  I opted out of both of these options and did a cable cast on and one knit row.  I prefer the tight bead of reverse stockinette at the bottom edge.

I also went back to “My Precious” for a bit this evening and made a little progress:


According to my “How Much Shawl Have I Knitted So Far” calculations, I am at a whopping 11%!!!!!  Not bad, and I don’t see any glaring mistakes — whew!  I was asked how often I’ll run a lifeline: I’m going to put one in at the end of every completed chart.

More knitting soccer tomorrow morning and if they win, another game in the afternoon…maybe Mitered will get felted this week!

PS to Marina: to add a lifeline, take a tapestry needle and thread it with a small, smooth yarn, thread, or cord.  I used leftover perle coton.  Thread it through all the sts on your needle, making sure not to go through the stitch markers.  For the Peacock Shawl, I am placing my lifeline through a RS pattern row, not the WS purl row.  It is easier to purl the sts with the lifeline through them than to work them as pattern sts.  I push all the sts back from the needle tips so they are on the center cord of the circular needle.  It only takes a few minutes.  See also: April 11 — Sally describes a lifeline and shows pictures :).


May 18, 2007

From Susan — Thursday Report

Filed under: Back Story — lv2knit @ 12:33 am

Tonight was knit night, and it was quite fun.  I just love getting together with my peeps — what can I say? 

I did get dissed a bit, though — people accused me of abandoning “My Precious” (aka the Peacock Shawl).  Au contraire, mes amies.  The Peacock Shawl is meant to be savoured, like a fine wine.  And don’t forget that I ripped back to 2% and re-knitted to 8% in pretty good time!  The only problem with Peacock is that it takes enormous concentration for me and therefore all planets must align for me to do my “best work.” 

I have been getting a running start on my work sweater, and continue to move right along on the Mitered Tote.  I’ll post some pics soon.


Okay, tonight was the season finale and it was great!!  Wow!  They left just enough hanging, started some new things, and sent in a few unexpected zingers.  I will definitely watch it again tomorrow night to make sure I did not miss a word.  You are correct – I have no life ;).  I think that became crystal clear when I wrote my 8 random facts!

May 16, 2007

From Susan — I Couldn’t Hep Myself!!

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 10:08 pm

I’m sorry but I have failed at being faithful ;).  I have been thinking about making the cardigan on the cover of Lace Style since it came out:


This looked like the perfect summer cardi to wear in the meat locker they call my workplace!  Do they really need to keep it at 50 degrees??

The cardi takes chunky weight yarn: 90 yds to 50 gm.  I’ve been searching and searching for yarn.  I finally found my dream yarn today: Sublime Aran in “Clipper’ which is denim blue.  It is 75% merino, 20% silk, and 5% cashmere.  Oh my! It could NOT be softer, and I thought the denim would look cute with everything. 


I am just getting started and could not get a good picture, but you get the idea.  The fabric is not as “white” in places as it looks here, but it does get that washed denim look from light reflection.  I love it so far.  My justification is two-fold: I need a summer sweater, it is mindless knitting, and my Mitered Tote is nearing completion :).  

I came home and said to Hubby, “Hey, I bought more yarn” and he said, “Keep on buying yarn until we run out of money.”  Okay, dear, anything you say!


May 12, 2007

From Susan — Knitting Along

Filed under: Updates — lv2knit @ 1:19 am

I’ve been happily mitering along.  This is the perfect take-along project.  It is semi-mindless (except where I have to do my decreases, since sometimes I motor right past them!). 

One of the big squares is done — it’s a lot of knitting, mes amies!  It’s about 20×20 inches!


I also started the bottom sections.  I could NOT wrap my brain around how the bottom was going to work, so I had to do it to see it.  It makes total sense once you get going.  I think it would have been helpful to have a diagram with the pattern for us “visual” learners!


It did not call for a provisional cast on, but I thought it would be nicer and I think it is.

RE: Sally’s brief visit in June.  She will be here on June 14 and we are going to Panera’s in Plymouth for my weekly Knit Night.  Come one, come all!!

I am still 10 rows away from where I was on the Peacock Shawl before I ripped, but I am enjoying it immensely. 

And, please, will someone chip in to buy poor Lucy some underwear?  It is a bit unseemly ;).  They just moved our blog into the porn listings!  And should I be concerned that my husband volunteered to shop for her knickers?

On another note — thank goodness GA is back on track!  Last week’s show was an embarrassing disaster.  Shondra, what were you thinking?  The lame California story line was only eclipsed by the stupidity and lack of reality of its characters.  This week was pure gold.


May 7, 2007

From Susan — Peacock Soars! Cough Cough

Filed under: Knitting Tips,Peacock Shawl -- Susan's — lv2knit @ 1:03 pm

I have been so busy admiring Surly’s beautiful knitting I have barely had time to do any of my own!  I have a done a little more on the Peacock Shawl:


This is not the greatest picture but at least you can see the pattern emerging.  Sally assures me that blocking will cure all of its ills. 

Do you ever wonder as you knit a shawl how far along are you?  It is so hard to tell, especially when you have a shawl that starts with rows of 3 sts — to call that a row and count it against the end rows is absurd!  I have put together a tip sheet that shows how to figure out how much knitting you have done, relative to the entire shawl.  It is not heavy math (and I’m sure most of you have or could figure this out if you wanted to), but the tip sheet is included under Susan’s Gallery, nonetheless.  Using my How Much Shawl Have I Knitted So Far tipsheet, I calculated that I have done about 8% of the total shawl.  I don’t know if that is helpful information, or depressing!!

I am also plugging slowly away at my Mitered Tote — no new pics, but here is a picture of the most beautiful thing we have in our yard:


This apple tree is so gorgeous — if it ever goes, we are sunk. 

Take care and enjoy the spring!


May 1, 2007

From Susan — Silk is Finis

Filed under: Back Story,Knitting Tips,Vittadini Nicole 1 in Silk — lv2knit @ 11:32 pm

I really like Japanese short rows!!  Like most knitters, I have never been fond of short rows.  I think they cause a tear in the space-time continuum that I like to think of as my lovely knitted fabric.  However, Japanese short rows do no such thing, when executed correctly.  They create a fabric with short row shaping and minimal short row ick (technical term!). 


We have posted this link before but it bears repeating: Nona Knits Japanese Short Rows.  Use it!  Good knitters do not let other good knitters do bad short rows ;).

Anyway, jump ahead a couple of days and the top is finshed:


The color in the top picture is much truer — why is it so hard to get good pictures?  Why does it look so BEIGE in these pictures? 

I am not thrilled with the top — it looks like you could buy it in a store for much less money and effort.  No one will think it’s silk, and I think the color should be prettier.  However, I do recommend the pattern if you are looking for a nice summer top.  It calls for 20 sts/4″ gauge which is very common, the pattern can be sized to any figure, and it is easy to do. 



Those of you who have been paying attention will notice the absence of bobbles (Mary M. will not be surprised!).  Yes, I have an active aversion to bobbles.  I had already decided to forego the bobbles on the back — I thought they would cause bumps that looked like tumors growing on my back in perfect alignment.  I got to the front and actually knitted the bobbles on the first section, but thought they were way too much effort for the result, so I did a bobblectomy.  I substituted some textured knitting instead.  Again, another reason to like this pattern for its adaptability.

The timing of this FO is great because I got an email today stating that my PEACOCK YARN IS IN THE MAIL AND WILL ARRIVE TOMORROW OR THE NEXT DAY.  Do you realize what this means!!??  I am mere hours away from starting the project of my [recent] dreams: many hours of aggravation and love to make a shawl I will never wear.  Heaven.

priest.jpgBless me Father, for…….

Okay, I’m not Catholic, but I have a confession.  I have never knit a lace shawl before — not in laceweight anyway.  The Peacock Feathers Shawl will be my first foray into the mysterious and scary world of actual laceweight lace knitting!  Whew.  I feel better clearing my conscience.  I did not realize it was my first until I started swatching some lace in preparation for the Peacock’s arrival.  It felt unfamiliar.  I racked my brains for a memory of knitting a lace shawl.  Lots of examples in DK+ came to mind, as well as some failed attempts at laceweight.  But no shawl.  Ever. 

So, this should be fun!

I am also slowly knitting along on the Mitered Tote — which is PERFECT mindless take-along knitting.  I will be totally content: work on lace at home and tote on the road.  My world is in order.

April 27, 2007

From Susan — Susan Lifts Skirt

Filed under: Uncategorized — lv2knit @ 8:12 am

Here is the reverse side of the Mitered Tote by request:


I am a bit of a maverick.  I do not slip the first sts to make a selvedge to make the pick up easier (I think it makes the edge too loose).  I pick up into the nub at the end of each garter ridge.  The fourth square was picked up along the vertical line you see on the lower left.  The 4th square is seamed to the first.  You could obviously join them as you go but I decided to just follow the directions.  Aren’t I being a good little knitter by following the directions ;)?

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